Friday, September 01, 2006

two incidents

There were two things of note that happened to me the past couple of days.

Incident One:

For two or three days I had been noticing that one of the lights that I have to go through on my way to work was not staying green as long as it used to. It sounds like a minor issue, but going through this intersection added about ten minutes to my commute, and there were not a lot of options to avoid that intersection.

Yesterday morning it was particularly bad, so I decided to do something about it. I found an email address on the city's web site that was associated with traffic lights, so I sent an email explaining the issue and asking if there was a process that I could go through to request the issue be addressed. Three or four hours later I got an email from an engineer stating that the issue would be addressed. I thought that was nice, but I expected a delay before it was addressed.

This morning when I went through the intersection it was back to normal and I had ten minutes of my commute back. For all my griping about government bureaucracy, I am very pleased with how quickly my concerns were addressed. It's not too bad to live and work in the OP.

Incident Two:

After I had been home for an hour or two this evening the doorbell rang. "That's odd," I thought to myself, "we aren't expecting anyone right now." When I answered the door I found a pizza delivery guy. Apparently one of our friends ordered pizza but forgot that the last time they ordered pizza it was to have it delivered to our house after NJ was born so that we wouldn't have to prepare a meal.

It took a couple of minutes to get that straightened out. I hope Dash and T were able to find something else to eat.


T said...

Just a slight curve ball! :) Actually we didn't end up with Pizza, but we did fix it so that if we order it again--it will come to our house! :) Sorry about that, they didn't confirm address when I ordered. oops.

GoldenSunrise said...

I thought about it later, but we should have paid for it and had you reimburse us later. You could have come to our house to pick it up. Oh, well. The pizza guy said they would have to reorder.

f o r r e s t said...

Over the last few weeks, I have noticed large trucks and orange cones on a street that I take to work. Normally, this would not be a problem, but they reduced the two lanes down to one and therefore delaying my morning commute by 5-10 minutes. I emailed the city to see if they were aware of what these trucks were doing to my morning commute. They said they hired them to repair and lay down a new road.


shakedust said...

That's because you weren't dealing with OP. :)

roamingwriter said...

I love that you emailed the city and it worked! I'm much more prone to "complain" about something with the internet than I was when it involved letters and phone numbers.

Pizza story is hilarious!