Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I have been realizing lately that I need to start addressing my control issues. I don't really have problems with controlling others. My problem is that I cannot stand other people controlling me.

I have always had issues when I thought others were trying to manipulate me. I think that is partly just personality and partly comes from some past experiences where I didn't feel like I had any control in my life. No matter where it comes from, the end result is that I take a lot of steps to make sure that I control my fate, so to say. I keep our family budget in line largely because not doing so would leave me at the mercy (and in the control) of others. I am very cautious around people who like to control others because I don't want them meddling in my life. I try very hard to have an understanding of surroundings and predict what is likely to happen so I can avoid being blindsided. I simply do a lot so I don't lose control.

There are a lot of problems with this, not the least of which is that I have a more passive personality. Some probably see that as an invitation to try to control me. Also, the steps I take can sometimes hamper my interactions in life. Finally, nobody is ever in control of 100% of their life, so I'll always be getting irritated at something that is out of my hands. I just can't control that. I'll try to, though.


T said...
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T said...

I'm okay with others being in control, I just want to know that who ever is in control is not being controlling in a bad way, but a good way, bringing order to things more then chaos.

So I guess I like controlled environments even if I'm not the one controlling them! :)

GoldenSunrise said...

It doesn't help that our mothers try to control us. And the need that I have for my mom to approve my decisions.

f o r r e s t said...

If I could just control Dust to do my dirty work, I could rule the world.

windarkwingod said...

I hear ya man! DON'T TREAD ON ME BROTHER! It does come back to bite you on the missions field however...

roamingwriter said...

I have this problem too. I instantly think of situations, past and present, that involve what I perceive (rightly I think) as people controling or maneuvering or manipulating me or some aspect of my life. Raises my blood pressure just thinking about it. Do I have some sort of personality flaw that I don't want interference? What if it is the good kind T is talking about? I'm not sure...