Saturday, September 16, 2006

alone no more

Golden will be getting back here in less than an hour, so I have been doing some tidying that I hadn't been able to (or wasn't willing to) do earlier in the week. While I have missed the family, it has given me some relaxation to have fewer responsibilities to be concerned about. Here are some highlights.

  • When I walked into church after missing Sunday School Vernal immediately pointed out that she predicted that I would be late. Every day after that my mom called me in the morning to verify that I got up for work.
  • On Monday night I watched some football then studied for my quiz the next day. I pretty handily proved that being alone when I study is no guarantee of success.
  • On Tuesday and Wednesday night after class I watched a couple of movies: Final Destination and The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Both were better than I expected.
  • I ordered several things (stroller, car seats, baby gate) for when NJ gets bigger a couple of weeks ago and they arrived one by one all week. It was like Christmas every day.
  • Dash and T invited me over on Thursday night to chase away the loneliness. Much appreciation for that.
  • I drove Golden's Mazda around this week because it gets much better gas mileage. When I was at coffee night a girl came over to our table and asked if anyone drove a Mazda because one had just rolled into another car in the parking lot. My heart jumped into my throat and didn't leave until well after I determined that it wasn't Golden's car.
  • Last night I worked late then watched Silent Hill to grilled cheese and tomato soup. I don't know why, but the combination was very good.
I regularly point out that the worse four days of my life was the first four days I was in the KC area because I didn't know anyone, I didn't have a job, I didn't have a TV that got more than three channels, and I was here alone. Anything that did not mimic those four days was a gift from God.


T said...

Cool, we made it to your blog! :) :) I bet you REALLY were counting on that chicken, glad there was so much to go around! LOL ;)

GoldenSunrise said...

I was pleased that the house was clutter free when I got home. Thanks! It is good to be back.

roamingwriter said...

Got a lot of movies in and your probably happy to have your people back too. A good combo.

Grilled cheese and tomato soup - is that an old EU meal?

ewww. my word verification is mucis (spelling problem but still...)