Wednesday, September 06, 2006

my long weekend

Golden may post on this too. I'm not going too in depth about anything, so if she does post, it will probably have better detail and perspective.

This weekend my sister, Miss Carisma, visited to see NJ for the first time. I suspect that NJ likes his aunt more than he likes his dad, because she did a much better job of calming him down and making him smile than I did.

We picked MC up at the airport on Friday night, and like every day, didn't get started Saturday until late morning. Saturday afternoon we visited the Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead, which is essentially a huge petting zoo where the kid to adult ratio is something like 500 to 1. NJ will probably like this when he is older, but only the adults could enjoy it this time around.

Saturday night we watched Casablanca. While it isn't really what one might consider a Dust movie, I do understand why it is so acclaimed. The storyline is spectacular.

Sunday we took NJ to church, but of course he spent most of the service in the nursery. As I mentioned before, we tried Noodles & Co for the first time for lunch. Most of the day was down time, though. My sister read a lot and I did homework for most of the afternoon. Golden tried to catch up on some sleep.

Sunday night we watched Tristan & Isolde. I expected this to be more of a chick flick than it was, and I actually enjoyed the conclusion of the movie.

Monday, we visited the mall. I got two pairs of jeans and found that my waist size had increased since the last time I bought jeans. Big surprise. We learned that moving between levels at the mall is not nearly as easy with a stroller as it is without one.

The movie of the night on Monday was Madagascar. It was exactly what I expected from the previews. No better, no worse.

Yesterday, we did a little more shopping in the afternoon before I dropped MC off at the airport. The bad news is that the long weekend is over. The good news is that I have already reached the middle of the week and this is my first day back in the office. You know that I will always try to find the positive side of things.


GoldenSunrise said...

You forgot to mention that we also ate out at Chipotle and Jason's Deli. And we grilled hamburgers and chicken for Labor Day.

f o r r e s t said...

You also forgot to invite me over for hamburgers and chicken.

Deanna Rose is cool. Always a good time out there, plus they have good playgrounds.

windarkwingod said...


Anonymous said...

I had a really nice time visiting. I think Nathan and I bonded. :oD

The pictures of the farmestead turned out well. See them and the others from my visit here:

It's nice having a short week at work... but when you've had the first two days off, sometimes the remaining three seem like they last FOREVER.