Thursday, October 18, 2007


I generally like scary movies. Not really because I like the scariness, but because they usually are difficult to predict. Lately, I have liked watching scary movies alone, if only for the fact that I am jumpy.

It is usually easy to identify when a character is going to run into a shocking situation, but I always involuntarily jump back when something jumps out at the screen or at a character on the screen. When I saw Independence Day in the theater, I felt pretty embarrassed because I almost left my seat when the alien comes to life while it is being cut open at Area 51. I knew that was what was going to happen, but I didn't have control over my reaction.

My jumpiness carries over into real life as well. When I turn a corner and almost run into someone going the opposite direction, I am sure I am entertaining to watch. I startle real easily when people come up behind me as well.

As susceptible as I am to it, I also used to like jumping out at people to get a reaction when I was younger. I guess that just means I deserve what I get now.


Achtung BB said...

I don't think I get surprised that easily in movies anymore. Usually if a character is looking through glass or is standing by a mirror you can be sure that a surprise is coming.

GoldenSunrise said...

NJ is also very jumpy. I think I am kinda that way also. He didn't have a chance.

Portland wawa said...

I am more jumpy than you, I guarantee it.