Wednesday, April 04, 2007

from scratch

Every two years or so something happens the requires me to reinstall Windows on our PC and start from scratch. Last time it was a hard drive crash and I lost a lot of data. This time, it was a fan breaking and causing some of the hardware to overheat.

This might come as a surprise to those people who see me as a computer guy, but I don't really like the process of rebuilding my computer. I think that is largely because I usually only do this if something breaks. There are other problems, though, like the fact that the process is time consuming, the fact that I always lose something in the transition, and the fact that being without a PC is inconvenient.

As an example of the inconvenience, part of the reason that Golden hasn't posted much is that she is not used to using my laptop. After quite a bit of work, I hope to have the computer at least partially operational tonight, though. Maybe she will have more blogging opportunities shortly.


Achtung BB said...

I've always considered you a "computer" guy. I couldn't imagine no access to a PC.

roamingwriter said...

This amazes me. More PC people mention this total reinstall. Scares me that's for sure. I'm not one of "those" people, but haven't had that problem with my Mac. Thankfully!! I'd be very sad and the time and energy that would need to be expended. That does remind me I ought to back up soon!