Friday, April 06, 2007

fashion versus comfort

We have watched several episodes of the show "How Do I Look?" today. A theme that apparently occurs frequently on the show is that people defend their fashion choices using comfort as an excuse. The hosts of the show liked to point out how lame of an excuse that is. I have to question this perspective, though.

I understand taking general steps to look good because some people deem it acceptable to judge on appearances. I understand that some don't deem it acceptable, but do so anyways. I also understand understand that maintaining a good style helps a lot of people feel good about themselves. I still can't figure out why style is more important than comfort.

I have always valued comfort over any specific style. There have been times that I wanted brand name things, but I do not think there has ever been a time when I would have voluntarily sacrificed comfort for the brand name. If not for Golden I would probably be a prime candidate for one of these style shows. I do not know that I would be happy if someone signed me up for one of those shows, though.

I would not mind someone giving me a recommendation regarding what I could do to look better, but if someone tried to force me to change my philosophy I think I would resist out of principle. Maybe I would be in the wrong, but I have a hard time dealing with people telling me to conform.


Unknown said...

I'm all about being on these shows. FREE CLOTHES. Where do I sign up?

Of course, people that know me know I should probably buy new clothes 2-3x more often than I do. It's not so much about comfort as thrift and I-REALLY-HATE-CLOTHES-SHOPPING.

T said...

I think it's important to have fashion clothes and comfort clothes, it's even more important to find fashionable comfort clothes! :)

f o r r e s t said...

Maybe the host of these shows think of comfort as a lame excuse, because they know that you can still look nice and be comfortable. Whos says you can't be both...unless comfort describes a feeling of security one has with the clothes they wear.

I'd rather be in jeans. I feel comfortable and secure in them. But honestly, I am totally comfortable in work clothes and shoes. And if I have to wear those items, I might as well look good.

roamingwriter said...

Forrest - you haven't worn girls clothes! Comfort is baggy jeans and a sweatshirt. Not anywhere on the fashion charts for these tv shows. I know some outfits I have that look decent are comfortable but in general I know I should wear things that might be more flattering or fashionable but they just aren't comfortable. Panty hose are a good example. They add a very polished look to many outfits, but not comfortable.