Thursday, April 12, 2007

the diagnosis

For as long as I can remember I have been easily winded. Perhaps more so in later years, but even when I was much younger I have never had significant endurance. After seeing a commercial for COPD medication, I decided that I would have my dispnea (difficulty breathing) checked out. It was tested several years ago, but I didn't do any follow-up to find out what the cause was. So, I recently determined that I should find out while I am still young and can do something about it.

About four weeks ago I went to the doctor, and I have had a few tests run and found out yesterday that the doctor has apparently eliminated nearly every possible cause for my breathing problems. I don't have asthma, COPD, anemia, heart problems, miscellaneous lung problems, or even high cholesterol. The doctor concluded there was only one major possibility left. I need more exercise.

So, for the next few months I am supposed to get myself back in shape. As he was describing this all I could do was wonder how am I ever going to stick to an exercise routine. I know I should exercise, but I am lazy and time-conscious. This is not a combination that leads to much physical exertion.

If you see someone jogging through the neighborhood in the next few weeks, that won't be me. If you see someone wheezing and limping down the sidewalk trying to maintain the will to live, that will probably be me. I'll give exercise a chance, but I'd much rather just take pills.


T said...

Hope you feel better soon. At least the weather should start being nice again (hopfully sooner then later) and you really could run around the neighborhood then! :) But with cold rain and snow the next couple of days, I don't suggest the neighborhood route for a while!

Achtung BB said...

All these years I figured all you needed was more exercise (or you are a closet smoker). It's it a shame we can't go to the gym together?

f o r r e s t said...

Ha ha ha ha ha!

I don't know why I am laughing. But you would be laughing to if you got a chance to work out with BB. BB there is call for you. It is the '80's and they want their sweats back.

Anonymous said...

*snickers* Have fun exercising. ;o)

Achtung BB said...

I'm never going to hear the end of those sweat pants. I'm just going start wearing leg warmers with them when I work out to "Physical" by Oliva Newton John.

GoldenSunrise said...

I will join you with your workout to keep you company. We could push NJ around the neighborhood in the stroller.