Thursday, January 18, 2007

celeb, i am

Since we were aware that NJ was on the way I have been noticing children's books more. The conclusion I have reached has been that there is a lot of chaff out there, and a few good works.

The other day I was in the dentist's office and noticed a children's book by Jamie Lee Curtis. No offense to Mrs. Lee Curtis, but what makes her more qualified than anyone else to write a children's book? She just happens to have enough name recognition to sell a critical mass of the books to make it worthwhile to a publisher, and I think that is why she gets to write the stories.

I did a little searching and found that I am not the only one who has noticed this trend. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette did a story on this a couple of years ago. One observation made in the article is that some celebs think that any idiot can write a passable children's book. Maybe they are right. In the end, though, I would prefer to read NJ a book by Dr. Seuss than Madonna or Ed Koch. I have to do my part to keep NJ from being a material boy.


f o r r e s t said...

Really, you just came to this conclusion.

T said...

Yes, even one of the women from the view has attempted writing a childrens book. I've noticed this trend more with women then men.

shakedust said...

Forrest, I can honestly say that I didn't waste much thought about it until recently, so yeah.

Dash said...

... and who buys a kids book by Maddonna? Does it come with little cone bra pop-ups?

Achtung BB said...

Be careful. The bra pop ups could poke your youngest in the eye

roamingwriter said...

I think education majors can tell you about some worthwhile kids books. There's a lot of junk out there and lots of people with stories who can't get published.