Monday, January 22, 2007

back to school, again

Today is my first day back to classes this semester. I have noticed that my attitude sours dramatically at the beginning of each semester because I don't necessarily want to be taking all of these classes. This is just something I think I'm supposed to be doing. Later in life I expect that I'll take some community college classes for the fun of it, but what I am doing right now is very literally business before pleasure.

Anyway, this semester looks to be the busiest of all that I have planned. I will be taking five classes at different points throughout the semester for nine credits. That's four two-credit classes and one one-credit class. I do have some reasoning for doing things this way.

The program that I am in is fifty-two credits long, and the classes have to be completed within six years of me starting the program. I get reimbursed for the equivalent of about eight credits a year through work. I am not willing to plan on stretching this to six years, so I knew from the start that I would need to have at least a couple of years where I am paying a decent chunk of change out of pocket. I figured that I would load up on credits in the first two years before tuition got outlandish (too late), then not take as many credits for the last three years. I hope to have twenty-six credits at the end of this year, so I will be able to take between eight and ten for the next three years and coast to the end.

I figured if I took this semester on the chin, the fall semester would be significantly easier. The key to this plan, though, is that I have to make it through the semester (as does Golden, as does NJ). Wish us well.


T said...

Everytime we consider this kind of avenue the time commitment gets us too. Working full time with that school load will be tough. It does sound like a good plan, though, so I'm sure you'll get through this semester and be glad that you stuck to it. Good luck.

roamingwriter said...

Hang in there. Buena suerte. Bon chance. Good Luck. I think that's all the languages I know to tell you. It's always satisfying to get done with an arduous task.

f o r r e s t said...

It'll fly by so quick and before you know it you'll be looking back on this time in your life.

good luck and study hard.

GoldenSunrise said...

You thought last semester would be bad and we got through it ok. :) I am glad that you are taking summers off.

Achtung BB said...

I think it's cool that you are able to juggle having a baby, working full time, and going to school and you still have time for Homer's

shakedust said...

BB, really Golden probably does more juggling than I do. She covers the stuff that I can't around the house.