Wednesday, January 10, 2007

casual griping

There are certain things about the way that I think that are different from most people. With many of these things it is obvious. When I hear people who are more normal in the obvious stuff it is not difficult for me to realize that I am different. I generally like it when I think differently. Sometimes I don't like it. I always note it in my mind, though.

One thing about my personality that I have noticed very few people who are different from me is my enjoyment of casual griping. I am not talking about straight whining, because most people (even the whiners) don't care to hear that, but rather complaining about something in a way of kind of airing pet peeves. I have met many people who at least act like they enjoy discussing minor irritations.

I think that casual griping is very fun, and it can be entertaining when other people are doing it. I always assumed that I was in the majority because a large percentage of comedy is based on either someone griping or someone being portrayed in a negative situation. I still think I am in the majority, but there is really no way for me to know for sure.

You might note that a lot of my posts can be qualified as gripes. That is part of my personality and it's probably not going to change. So long as it doesn't turn into full-fledged whining, my readers will just have to learn how to put up with it. If it does turn into full-fledged whining... my readers will just have to learn how to put up with it.


f o r r e s t said...

I think all 5 of your reader can put up with your griping every now and then. You are a fine American and you just defended your right to gripe.

It's funny everybody thinks they are an indivialist and that they think differently from everyone else. Maybe it true - we are all different from each other...or maybe we are more similar than we think.

shakedust said...

Hmm... this may be a little hard to say without it coming out wrong, but I'll try.

My point is that there are ways that I think different from others and there are ways that I think the same. In this respect I think I think ths same as most people.

I do think that my rationalizations tend to be different from most people on most things because that is what I have observed. Maybe I'm wrong, but that is what I have observed.

For example, I think of dumb joke responses to what I am hearing during a large percentage of my conversations (the determining factor as to whether I am doing this is generally how awake I am). People sometimes complain when I voice the jokes, so I usually don't. I am sure there are other people who do this, or perhaps that a majority of people do this a very small percentage of the time, but I don't think that a majority of people do that near as often as I do. That's what I mean by thinking different.

It would be interesting if a test could be created to see how differently from a cultural norm people really think. Maybe we would all find out that we are mindless drones.

f o r r e s t said...

I am pretty certain everybody feels this way about thinking differently from others. You're not alone, cowboy.

Oh, those dumb joke responses...I think we have all fallen victim to those from you. This improv comedy club we go to calls those groaners and has a foul against any joke so bad that makes you groan.

I am sure that most people think of funny responses in their head, maybe some have a better filters. It is like when we are talking, you are waiting for a slip of the tounge so you can insert your obvious funny. I think why most people as you say don't like those is that they caught it and moved on before you said it and it disrupts the flow.

On the other hand, those who are good friends have probably gotten used to this little quirk and value this as something that makes Drew Drew. We would probably miss it if you changed. So keep thinking "differently" even if you get a few groans coming from my direction.

shakedust said...

I think most people believe they are different (technically, everyone's unique, so...) but the number of things where people vary from the norm can change, I believe.

IMO, This is one of those things that is ridiculous to argue, though, because it is something that could never be proven one way or another.

f o r r e s t said...

Who is arguing? I didn't say that you are not different.

shakedust said...

Perhaps this is a more accurate statement:

I'm probably not going to spend too much more time on this specific point. If you want to, have at it. :)

Anonymous said...


Achtung BB said...

I'd say you are a pretty intelligent griper

roamingwriter said...

I think I enjoy a good replay of a negative situation in a humorous way. I've wondered if I get carried away and sound like I'm complaining when I'm actually making light of something that occurred. Or maybe they think I'm griping.