Monday, April 18, 2005

a day in my life

Yesterday our pastor spoke on what we devote our time to and had us fill out a calendar with what we generally do with our time. I think the purpose was either to show that we could give God more time or to show how much of our time is wasted. If that is the case, my calendar had the opposite effect on me. I recognized that a lot of my time is already spent on church-type stuff. Though quite a bit was devoted to reality TV too.

Here is a typical weekday in my life.

7:30 AM - Wake up and get ready for work. - brain power: 10% capacity
7:50 AM - Head off to work. - brain power: 20% capacity
8:15 AM - Have first cup of coffee at office. - brain power: 50% capacity
8:30 AM - Do various things related to my job that cannot be easily described. - brain power: 50% capacity
12:00 PM - Play Quake III or Hacky Sack at lunch. - brain power: 80% capacity
1:00 PM - Back to work. - brain power: 60% capacity
4:00 PM - Kick work up a notch (BAM!) when I realize that I have more than one hour worth of work left for the day. - brain power: 60% capacity
5:30 PM - Get things reasonably wrapped up and vow I'll do better tomorrow. Talk with a friend at work about irrelevant things, then leave work. - brain power: 80% capacity
6:00 PM - Arrive home, eat, and listen to Mrs Dust talk about her day. - brain power: 70% capacity
7:00 PM - Watch TV - brain power: 50% capacity
8:00 or 9:00 PM - Depends on the day of the week (play volleyball, church, go to Homers coffehouse, etc) - brain power: 80% capacity
10:00 PM - Mrs Dust goes to bed. Watch TV. - brain power: 90% capacity
12:00 AM - Try to go to sleep. - brain power: 100% capacity
2:00 AM - Actually go to sleep. - brain power: 10% capacity (which is also the average brain capacity of drivers on Interstate 35)


T said...

Hacky Sack, really? You should get together with Fundi for lunch...he's "hacked!" with the best of them, at least he tried when we were in college...but that might have been just to impress me!? His hacking no longer impresses me. I wonder why that is? I'd tell you to think about that but I am afraid it might require more than the maximum brain power you have available, until you are trying to sleep of course!

Dash said...

Just to clarify, I never said I was any good at hackey sack. Only that I had tried it. Today it would be funnier to watch than Napolean's big dance and not nearly as coordinated.