Tuesday, April 12, 2005

along came a spider

I have never completely liked spiders in real life, which is odd because I usually like them in movies. This morning when I got in the shower a spider no more than an inch from end to end started to crawl up the shower wall then stopped about five feet up. It stayed there for the rest of the time I was in the shower.

I considered my options. I could try to smash it with my hand. No, that was out of the question. I could jump out of the shower screaming like a girl. Tempting as that was, my wife already has enough to laugh at me about for me to add that to the list. I chose the only remaining option. I left the spider alone until I was done with my shower.

Once I was done with the shower, I let my wife know there was a spider in the shower and she squished it in a few seconds time. My hero.


Dash said...

Has Amber ever considered that she might be in the wrong Wednesday Night program? We could use a strong leader for the boy's 1st grade program.

Personally, I smash them with the shampoo bottle. I still haven't gotten Tonya to clean up a smashed spider .. you would think that was only fair.

windarkwingod said...

I saw my very first real-life Black Widow last year clearing wood for my uncle in an old shed in Gardner. It was about the size of a quarter and was all glossy black with the red hourglass on the back. It was stunning and awesome in a freaky sort of way. But not as awesome as the venomous, peach-sized brown scrabbler with eight legs that was trying to wrestle my left foot deep under the covers because I left the window open last night!

Dash said...

Ok ... I'm creeped out. Anyone want to buy a tent?

shakedust said...

Considering that some of the 1st grade boys' training is outdoorsy stuff, I would bet that Amber would pass on that.

At least I am not the only one creeped out now by the eight-legged creepy crawlies. I remember seeing what I thought was a black widow in my grandparents' basement once. Not a big deal until you know that I was living in their basement at the time.