Thursday, April 21, 2005

bottoms up

Yesterday at work we were discussing how free we are with our wives in discussing bathroom issues. I am not sure why the discussion has come up recently. It may have been a post over the weekend at Golden Sunrise's site. It may have been that one of my coworkers was complaining that someone was letting their dog make on his yard. What matters is that the issue came up.

Apparently Mrs Dust and myself are much freer with our discussion of what ends up in the toilet than some others at the office. If one of us is feeling backed up, not backed up enough, or gassy we freely discuss it. If one of us just had a good or not so good time on the stool, we freely discuss it. A few of the guys were freely disgusted by it.

It seems that about 50% of the people I work with are comfortable with those types of discussions at home, and about 50% are not except in health-related matters. This encouraged one of the people that feels more free on this subject to share the last discussion he had with his wife on the topic. The question was what do you do when almost all, but not all, of it comes out. I think I figured out that this must be the time to pull out the paper to check what's going on in the world, but first check the comics section.


windarkwingod said...

in the days before calculators they had to work it out with a pencil.

Dash said...

singing ... 'cause when your only half way up, you're neither up or down.

I'm not sure what song this comes from, but I frequently hum this part to myself. Then I wish I had brought a paper.

T said...

Okay, we (meaning fundi and our pups) take liberty in joking about some bathroom humor....however, we always end the discussion with "This is okay here but no where else, ESPECIALLY, my folks!" I was raised that it wasn't proper so I know that they would not appreciate the humor in fundi's song, although based on my calculations you would be able to sing the whole song (if you knew it!)

Jadee said...

Here again, I am amusingly surprised! How sweet and pleasant company the two of you were on Sunday! =D I think I will take T up on the offer of having the extra tent as my own....and probably my own campsite too? Don't want to get too close to the fire, after all!!!

windarkwingod said...

Today - Shakedung said it all....