Thursday, March 23, 2006

we have moved

There used to be two companies located on the floor of the office building where I work--the company I work for and a financial management firm. A few weeks ago that changed. The other firm moved to a different location. This is actually kind of nice because our bathroom only gets about half the traffic it used to.

About a week ago one of my coworkers asked if I had noticed anything about the sign that the financial management company left on their door. I had glanced at it but hadn't paid close attention. He pointed out that the map does not actually depict any streets around where we work. I checked it out and he was right. Someone just found a generic streets picture, placed some bicycles on it, and decided that was sufficient.

Maybe this doesn't deserve to win a that's-not-my-job award, but it certainly does deserve an honorable mention.


GoldenSunrise said...

Someone thought that a cute map was better than a practical one. Or someone was lazy.

f o r r e s t said...

I don't think the map and sign was meant to be taken in any other way than "hey, we moved and we are not far, just down the street."

The sign is generic, so generic, I bet you can find one at Office Depot or on some stationary from your local print shop.

I am sure all the literal people are confused and disappointed in that sign, after they racked their brains trying to figure the map out. I bet there are a lot of good jokes going on about it and it would make great material for "the Office." :)

Dash said...

I had to explain three times (to the same uber-manager) why the instructions she had knee-jerk posted to the website should be re-worded.

Her step #3:
"Enter PF1 on the CSR Screen"

My revision for step #3:
"Press PF1 from the CSR Screen"

Her response .. everyone knows PF1 is a button. Nobody is actually going to type it into one of the 23 fields on the screen (many of which are obscure and blank).

My rebuttal ... ummmm, have you met any of the employees?

When your life is a dilbert strip, sometimes it helps to be a literalist.

Jadee said...

I agree with Dash...its hard to believe that some of my reps are to be considered computer genuises when they can't comprehend how to load paper in the copier!!! (and mine is so old there is only one tray to fill)

windarkwingod said...

Bikes going down the street are going uphill in my two-dimension brain.

Anonymous said...

What I want to know is why you had your digital camera at work?