Monday, March 20, 2006

the lone jeans man

About a month ago I agreed to be an usher at church on Sunday mornings. It isn't the type of job that I would typically volunteer for, but it is something that needs to be done. When I was asked, I mentioned that I don't tend to dress up much on Sunday morning. This was not a big deal, I was told, because I would be ushering the contemporary and more casual service.

The first two weeks I wore jeans and a nice casual shirt. Not trashy but not dressy. The problem is that I have been the only usher wearing jeans. This means I stick out a little more and it is a little embarrassing to Golden (plus my mom has reminded me that ushers shouldn't wear jeans). This puts me in a quandary. Do I dress up, by which I mean wear khakis, or do I choose to be the lone denim usher?

Golden has given me the go ahead to wear jeans, but I would rather dress up than embarrass her. Part of me really wants to stick it to those who believe that somehow khakis or dress pants are holier than jeans, though. I will be getting more dressed up on communion Sunday for sure, but what about the other weeks? I just don't know yet.


windarkwingod said...

Man... that question has HUGE implications. It could be easier by viewing it as a purely cultural decision, which removes the true sanctity of blue-dyed cloth over light-tan cloth. It is easier to take the easier route HA and conform I would think... but it is never seen by the culturally dominant as a favor, and will never be treated as such sadly enough... The ushers here like to HIISSSS at people.

f o r r e s t said...

Dust you are not alone.
Maybe you haven't noticed before, but you are hardly the lone usher who wears jeans. Maybe you were on your shift, but not every Sunday. Jason T, Chris S. -to name a couple. And don't forget Russ who wears jean shorts when he ushers.

I have been real proud of the communion ushers lately because some of them have been in jeans and not just the stuffy old men who still wear a suit.

Don't change who you are. Many people like myself are blessed when I see you in jeans. :)

Golden - embarrassed of what? I wouldn't get embarrassed until Dust starts wearing tight jean shorts.

shakedust said...

"Many people like myself are blessed when I see you in jeans."

I get that a lot. ;) Couldn't resist that one.

GoldenSunrise said...

I was embarrassed of being associated with the rebel jeans usher wearer. If Dust would have worn jeans yesterday, he would have been the only jean usher.

In speech class in college, I was told to dress a 1/2 step better than the audience when speaking. If the audience is in jeans, you should wear khakis. Does this apply when you have a role in the church service?

I guess I was just worried about any gossip about how awful it was that an usher wore jeans. I care about what other people think.

f o r r e s t said...

Golden, first of all you are assuming that Khakis is more "dressed" up than jeans and therefore look better on Dust. But Dust look GREAT in jeans.

Do you think Jesus really cares the color and material of the cloth?...Then neither do I?

It offends me when I see and usher in a tie. I believe it gives off the wrong impression about christianity. Instead of it being a church for a bunch of losers and broken people, we now have the impression that you have to have it all together to be in church.

I don't believe anyone in the second service cares what the ushers are wearing.

BTW, I thought Dust looked better his first time around with his jeans and untucked button down shirt.

roamingwriter said...

Sounds like a hot topic. I can see Golden's point though. It's not that it matters, but the whole dress slightly better than you think the crowd will be helps me feel like I've got my act together and thus I'm less conspicuous. Sometimes I think people dress down for attention or trying to make a cool statement which can be distracting- in or out of church. I have to agree with Dar, in reality it is cultural (church culture), not spiritual. Cloth is cloth.

windarkwingod said...

Whoa - things are heating up in this corner! I just remembered that the most conservative small churches in rural Kansas that we visited had a WHOLE LOT of jeans wearin' ushers. Jeans and western boots and not always big belt buckles. I wonder if the Docker's pants thing is actually more of a suburban culture thing in Johnson County. What is behind these decisions? WWJW?

f o r r e s t said...

This is hardly a hot topic. I wonder why you guys are even worried - probably the echos of childhood and the way our mom's made us dress up.

Really, being distracted by the way a person dresses is a cop out. (I was only joking when I said that I get distracted by people who dress up.) The truth is I get distracted by everything. The way the pastor sometimes finishes a thought by a mumble fade out, or by the drums on stage and the black lid over them, or the lights hanging from the ceiling, or the hymnals in front of me or the worship leaders weird antics. Everything is distracting, so lets not focus on the people who dress for attention, be it the old men in suits or the young in the awkward stages.

Anonymous said...


windarkwingod said...

interesting twist... 9.5!

T said...

I believe that they saw how you dressed before they asked you to be an usher. I wouldn't change now. Besides, it's not like you are wearing dirty torn clothes that say rude things on them to church and ushering. You're just collecting the countless offerings that they insist on taking and I figure Tennies are good for that since you are up and down the isle so much! :) :) :) :) :) :) I still believe ushers should be for weddings and a bag in the back should be for collecting tithe and offering! Or a link on the website :) But that's my opinion! Quick, post something new before this starts up a whole other topic! :) :) :)