Saturday, March 25, 2006

preston motors

A couple of days ago I as I was leaving the office I noticed the car in front of me had a magnetic ribbon on the back stating "Go Pittsburgh." This stuck out to me because, even though I live in the Kansas City area now, I used to live near Pittsburgh.

I checked the license plate. What do you know, it was from Pennsylvania as well. I decided to investigate the car a little further. Just above the driver's side tail light was labeled "Preston Motors, New Castle, PA." New Castle is where I lived through my high school years, so this excited me to see someone else from that area 800 miles away. I happened to have my camera with me, so I tried to snap a few shots. The following is the best I got. In the picture you can't even see the license plate, let alone the "Preston Motors" insignia. Other than that, it's a cool picture for the story.

1 comment:

windarkwingod said...

It's a pretty cool photo but I have to take away points for the absence of a blue bottle. Please ignore the fact that my photo-posting record is PATHETIC!