Wednesday, November 16, 2005

home remedies

Golden is currently suffering from an earache that has been bothering her since late last night. This has caused her quite a bit of pain, and it was much worse last night. Due to the severity of the issue we decided to investigate potential home remedies online. In our searching, we came across the following helpful suggestions.
  • Colloidal silver
  • Echinacea
  • Lobelia and garlic oil
  • Juice from mango leaves
  • Aconite
  • Wolfsbane
Are you kidding me? Who has colloidal silver or lobelia just laying around the house? What kind of people do these remedies really help? I am as likely to find the Holy Grail, or Venus de Milo's arms, or Gary Coleman in my house as I am to find aconite or wolfsbane. At least I would recognize Gary Coleman if I saw him.

I eventually went to Osco Drug last night to get some ear medication. It has chamomilla, mercurius solubilis, sulphur, and glycerin. I guess that proves I don't need all that other stuff to cure an earache. It also proves that anything can be made funny by simply mentioning Gary Coleman.


gigi said...

OHHH... poor little golden. Earaches are horrible. I used to get them all the time when I was a kid. Go to the doctor. I hope it goes away soon...

T said...

hope she feels better soon. You should have called me, I could give you a few home remedies that you didn't mention! :) I think antibiotics work the best, though.

f o r r e s t said...

I've heard that fresh baked chocolate cookies will do wonders.

Jadee said...

I have some "home remedies" that DO work. When I was going through my divorce, I got into using Essential Oils. (NO, I am NOT a quack) But aromatherapy does work, and so does the Natural oils. I have one that I use for my children's earaches, IF IT IS USED right away at the first symptoms BEFORE it escalates into a full-blown ear infection...then you do have to get antibiotics.

So, take T's advice on the antibiotics, and Forrest's advice on chocolate-chip cookie "aromatherapy"!!! =o)

GoldenSunrise said...

I do love my chocolate! I am not in any pain today.

T said...

glad you are feeling better golden

gigi said...

gary coleman... was an odd little man...

Dash said...

whach u talkin 'bout bridge boy?!?