When I moved 800 miles from home to go to college, I think my mom expected me to write more. I may have written to her twice. It was more than I wrote to anyone else, though, so it's not like she was the only person to whom I did not send enough letters.
Eventually, my mom got a sense of humor about the whole thing and wrote a letter for me that I was supposed to fill out and send back to her. Golden came across that letter a few days ago. What Golden found was a copy, so I think that I actually did fill out the letter and send it back. Here's what the letter says (the names have been changed to protect blah, blah, blah) .
Date __________
Dear _______,
a. Dad
b. Mom
c. Miss Carisma
d. All of the above
I am doing ________
a. fine
b. wonderful
c. so-so
d. terrible
My classes are ________
a. interesting
b. challenging
c. too easy
d. boring
My job is _______
a. going well
b. a piece of cake
c. too much to handle
I've been spending the majority of my time _______
a. studying
b. sleeping
c. on the phone
d. socializing
The food is ______
a. just like home cooking
b. better than home cooking
c. like Mrs. O'Mealy's
d. now I know what cardboard tastes like
I think about you _______
a. all the time
b. on occasion
c. almost never
d. "What was your name again?"
Please send _______
a. money
b. food
c. a plane ticket home
d. ___________
My least favorite class is ________________
because ____________________________
My favorite class is ___________________
because ____________________________
Well, I had better go.
Your _______,
a. loving son
b. adoring brother
c. friend
d. __________
Boy, that is pretty easy. I wonder why you thought writing letters was hard?
You mom is so cool...
Now that it's on the web, we can copy paste it into word and keep it for when our sons/daughters don't write. Right?
That is a great idea!
For the record, I found out recently that my mom and sister collaborated on this letter. That makes sense because I see some of my sister's humor in it as well.
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