Wednesday, August 31, 2005

my last twelve hours

I am in two fantasy football leagues. I actually am not a huge football fan, but I love numbers games and strategy games, so this works out for me. Last night was supposed to be the draft for one of my leagues so after I got home I checked my email to see where I needed to log into to join the draft. That's when I found out this was an in person draft. Interesting. I needed to be at the church library by 8 PM to make the draft.

Given some technicalities regarding this draft, not the least of which was that no one had a complete list of players, the draft went slowly and I didn't get back home until 12:30 AM. I was nowhere near tired enough to go to sleep when I got back so I watched some TV until 2 AM to get myself to the point where I could sleep. I knew I would be tired the next morning, but I could handle that.

At 5 AM I woke up with cramps in my stomach. They were bad enough that the themes to my dreams prior to waking up had included stomach pain. I couldn't get comfortable and I couldn't get back to sleep. I tried walking around the house. I tried lying down in the recliner. I started debating with myself how sick I needed to be to call in sick to work. I did finally find sleep around 6 AM and woke up feeling much better a little more than an hour later.

I was a little disappointed that I didn't get the opportunity to call in sick when I had to deal with the stomach pain, but I can't be upset long about feeling better. That was my last twelve hours. I am hoping the next twelve are not so eventful.


GoldenSunrise said...

When I woke up this morning, Dust was not in bed. I found him sprawled out on the guest bed. He said he could stretch out better in that bed. Maybe we need to get a bigger bed.

shakedust said...

My +8 shield of wit deflected your attack with your +3 dai katana of sarcasm. So there.

Dash said...

I don't knwo what's scarier .... your RPG answer or the fact that I understood it.

I've never actually done an RPG (unless you count risk - ha ha ) but I've seen enough to get the general concept. I can't imagine having enough time to ever get a game done.

Maybe a game themed on someting that I'm already familar with i.e. Star Wars or LOTR might be a bit more of a draw; but I'd probably get wrapped up in the expanded universe of arbitrary points / rules and what was "cannon".

I'd end up saying something like, "But Legolas was alive at leaxt X-hundred years before the coming of the moon - why would his life life points a be affected by a darness spell???

Dash said...

.... err that was supposed to be a "darkness" spell. I tried to come up with a good explanation of what a "darness" spell was - but I'm feeling creatively lazy today.

f o r r e s t said...

Dar Dar would cast a Darness spell. Right?