Saturday, August 20, 2005

south carolina: land of paradise

Growing up I always believed that God wanted people to be conservative and that He desired to turn the nation into a theocracy. That is what conservative circles tend to preach, and that is what I accepted as a kid.

My views have changed a little since then. If God has established every authority that exists, then every nation is indirectly a theocracy already.

I was reading the paper earlier today and came upon a story (same article with no required sign-up here). Apparently, there is a group that is trying to mobilize people to move to the already conservative state of South Carolina so that they can eventually exert enough political power to make the state a conservative paradise of sorts. Only four families have actually moved as a result of the effort, though.

What makes a family decide that this is even a realistic goal, let alone a noble one? While mine is probably the blog in our little circle of sites that hits preachy topics the most, I have purposefully stayed away from true political discussion. This is partially due to the fact that I honestly believe that any time an area becomes a conservative or liberal paradise, bad things start to happen. When you start to believe that a paradise on earth can be found by getting the right laws, politicians, or judges you depart from the reality that humans, conservative and liberal, are naturally selfish.

Most conservatives and liberals (and "independents") will have specific ideals which are ends that may be justified by any means if not they kept in check. I believe that even those people with whom I most sincerely disagree has been placed in power by God to keep things in check. Of course, that doesn't mean I'll vote for them.

God has to have ultimate control, be it in Washington D.C., Topeka, or Charleston. If He doesn't we're all in trouble.


windarkwingod said...

Gaza Strip - eventually the water cannons have to be pulled out for the land people. Sad...

shakedust said...


T said...

Well said dust

f o r r e s t said...


roamingwriter said...

I totally agree - the whole absolute power corrupts absolutely. If only one group is in charge that's dangerous ground to tread.

What about evil dictatorships or facism?