Wednesday, August 10, 2005

i see you haven't been flossing

Throughout my lifetime I have spent a lot of time in the dentists' and orthodontists' office getting teeth pulled, filled, readjusted, and just about everything else that can happen to a tooth. As such I have never really liked going to the dentist, but it isn't really a big deal to get my teeth cleaned compared to the things that have been done to them in the past.

The one thing that always does bother me about getting my teeth cleaned is having to hear about how I should be flossing more and how the inflammation in my gums is due to my lack of flossing (and not the violence with which the dentist flosses my teeth). I don't know for sure why I can't get in the habit, but come bedtime I have other things I want to do more than spend time working a piece of string back and forth between my teeth. It is actually partially because of this that I have avoided going to the dentist for about two and a half years. I figure I need to go back eventually if I want to keep my teeth in the long term, so I have devised a plan to avoid the lecture on flossing. I now floss after lunch at work.

Yesterday some of my coworkers noticed the floss container laying on my desk. What is that? Dental floss. Why do you have it here? To floss my teeth. When do you do that? After lunch. Has anyone walked in on you flossing? Not that I am aware.

After I had fielded quite a few questions I noticed that one of the guys figured that I had a good idea after all and had started flossing during our conversation. At this point there were complaints about some tartar flying around, then everyone left. Maybe I should think twice about maintaining my dental hygiene at work. Nah, I still think it is a good idea.


GoldenSunrise said...

You could try flossing while watching the history/science channel at night. Or can you not multi-task? : )

shakedust said...

It's difficult to floss when I am preoccupied with calling debt management companies who can settle my debt for pennies on the dollar.

The "eee, eee, eee" is a little distracting.

T said...

HUM I don't think that this is the solution I would have come up with, I probably would have come up with one like Goldend suggested, or added it to my bedtime routine maybe. Although I went to the dentist a few months ago, got the lecture, bought some cool "floss/tooth pick combos. But I still only use them when I think of it. Which is less and less.

f o r r e s t said...

Vernal made note that we have our check-ups in about a month or so. I made a mental note to start flossing at least two weeks before my check up, so hopefully I can fool them.

I too have floss at work at my desk, but it is the small pack that the dentist gives you after the check-up. I use it for emergencies - that piece of beef stuck in my molars.

roamingwriter said...

Yes, I was a floss for a week or so before you go to the dentist person. It always worked. No lecture, but I've tried to add it to my life. Not quite daily, but maybe weekly or bi-weekly. Luckily I have really healthy teeth and haven't suffered from my bad habits - yet.

windarkwingod said...

I have also started flossing. I have to look in the mirror to remember what number tooth I am on. Then, I have to wipe all the Tartilla off the mirror (especially after Mexican food)...

Jadee said...

I keep a travel toothbrush and toothpaste in my personal drawer at work for after lunch. But when I saw the receptionist from the big Title Company office (who sits in two big glass doors) walking around with her toothbrush and FULL-size toothpaste, I knew she was a fanatic! LOL!

Flossing for me only seems to create damage to my I say "Whatever" to Mr. Dentist! (Watch, now I will meet and date a dentist and have to eat my words or have my mouth cleaned) =D