Saturday, August 27, 2005

something to talk about

I think I know why Kansans put up with tornadoes. They are more predictable than the rest of the weather out here.

Yesterday was a good example. On Thursday it appeared that the storms that had been blasting through the area all week had stopped. I was looking forward to a sunny Friday. Friday morning I was surprised to be waken up by continual loud thunder cracks. I was a little disappointed, but I am an adult and I can deal (usually). After dressing up warmer than usual for an August day, skipping the sunglasses in the morning, and pulling out the umbrella I headed for work. I wasn't there two hours before everything cleared up and I regretted not bringing the sunglasses for the drive home after work.

Golden and I were discussing the difficulty of predicting the weather in the Midwest after I got home from work yesterday and she talked about how each change in the weather surprises her. This shocked me since she grew up in Missouri, which is not known for its weather consistency. She then pointed out that she was always a little annoyed by the continual changes in weather as she was growing up.

I guess it gives people around here something to talk about. I can imagine an attempted conversation in a more mild location.

"How about this weather?"

"What weather?"


Jadee said...

Yeah, T told me about wearing warmer clothes to work and could hardly wait to get home and change for the temperature!!

Springfield was the worst for weather changes! I remember one day experiencing 5 changes....all the way from sunshine to a few snowflakes! WEIRD!

T said...

Yeah, I don't like this weather. PICK ONE. That's my philosophy. Either it's hot or cold, but cold in the am and hot in the pm stinks.

shakedust said...

Actually, I am doing word verification so that I don't accidentally delete something that isn't really spam because I think it is. This way I'll have more confidence that something isn't spam.

I may change it back, I am just testing this right now.

roamingwriter said...

I miss watching the weather to see what the next day is going to be like. Granted I could make more effort with the Spanish tv channel. Though most days here start out cloudy-ish and and end up bright and warm. We are already getting cooler evenings which seems early compared to good ole Kansas. Someone in the grocery store asked me today about the hurricane and if it was in Kansas! Big news even here.