Saturday, August 06, 2005

the absent-minded dust

Last night was a great night for a movie at the drive in. That was Dash's idea, anyway, and it turned out to be a good idea. I enjoyed Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and even Dukes of Hazzard mostly because I knew what to expect. They were both schlock in their own ways.

Before the movie, though, I made an absent-minded mistake. I meant to call BB to check to see whether he had arrived at the drive in and I inadvertently called my manager from work who has the same name. The two numbers are next to each other on my cell phone list. The biggest blunder was in the fact that I did not notice that I had called the wrong person at first. The conversation went like this.

Me: Hello, B. Are you here yet?

B: Huh?

Me: The reason I ask is that we are in a hard to find location and you may need some help finding it.

B: Who is this?

Me: Dust. Why do you ask?

(here I realized my mistake when I noticed that the voice on the other end didn't sound like BB's)

Me: (embarrassed) Oops.

Anyway, I am glad my manager has a sense of humor. I am sure everyone else at work will have a sense of humor about this, too, when they find out.


roamingwriter said...

THere are people you call by accident and it's just funny or you just say, oh sorry I pushed the wrong button...then there's the ones you hope you never mix up - like say a manager. This is a funny story, one I hope not to repeat myself!

Anonymous said...

As the aforementioned manager in this story, I would like to think that I am being portrayed as having more than a monosyllabic vocabulary. To my recollection, my responses were as follows:

B: Um...huh? (If you say it rapidly, it becomes a two syllable word, trust me on this).
B: Who are you trying (see, more than one syllable) to reach?

Ok, so I guess I've only proven I have a disyllabic vocabulary. Never mind then.

Oh, and Dust GET BACK TO WORK! ;)

shakedust said...

My non-pointy-haired boss is the keeper of our office lingo dictionary, so his vocabulary goes even beyond trisyllabic. I usually have to work to get past dysyllabic. :)

Oh, and I am working... really.