Monday, May 09, 2005

venti with family

This weekend we went to see Mrs Dust's family for Mother's Day. I also had the opportunity to spend Saturday afternoon with my sister who is currently completing the second semester of her MBA program. I always enjoy time with my sister because we see things from a similar perspective as we grew up in the same situations.

I got to pick what we did so I recommended that we go to Barnes & Noble, get a coffee in the store Starbucks, and chat. It doesn't really matter that I think Starbucks coffee tastes like they decided that the filter was an optional step in brewing, I still like sipping coffee and looking at books.

When we got to the counter I asked the person at the register for a regular coffee. "Venti?" she asked. What is venti? I have to assume that it is Italian for "idiot trying to order a small coffee." I stared at her stupidly until she just barely raised a large cup from behind the counter. I figured this was a little large, but since I didn't know what the other size names were so I said sure. When I got the coffee I realized how big it really was (20 ounces), and wondered to myself whether a sane person would ever drink 20 ounces of Starbucks coffee in one sitting.

We talked about hard decisions that need to be made and what is going on in our lives, and I fear I guided the conversation more than her. Even so, it was nice to have the opportunity to discuss life with her.

One thing I do need to figure out before I go back, though, is what a small is in Starbucks talk. A venti goes right through me.


f o r r e s t said...

I refuse to use starbuck's naming system for size of coffee when I order from them. I, too, don't want to sound like an idiot if I don't know how to correctly pronounce "Venti." I use the standard small, medium, and large. I hope it gets their goat. I do the same thing at homer's too.

Dash said...

Venti just sounds better than, "bucket o' unfilltered cofee"

f o r r e s t said...

Are you getting your coffee mixed up with your chicken? Speaking of chicken and one of dashes recent posts- we got a bucket of kfc for a picnic/mother's day event yesterday. Thanks for the inspiration.

roamingwriter said...

I'll take a Route 44 cherry latte por favore'

windarkwingod said...

I'll take a grande blue coconut diet coke with a chili-dog. (I would reccommend Sonic to out-of-towners...)

roamingwriter said...

someone hi-jacked my identity, that earlier comment attributed to me, wasnt me!