Monday, May 02, 2005


I have just time-traveled to the New York City area on September 11, 2001. I can see smoking buildings across a body of water. I walk down to the water to see some relatives that live in a house boat across from Manhattan.


I wake from my deep sleep. It must have been a dream because I am not aware that I have any relatives in New York City or in New Jersey. Wait, what was that shout? I hear Mrs Dust in the other room say something about killing a spider in the shower. I drift back to sleep.

This time I meet a music producer who is creating what appear to be Chucky dolls with elongated heads. Later I will realize that this part of my dream is heavily influenced by a Snopes story I read a few days ago (disturbing image warning). I flip a switch on the back of one of the dolls' necks, and it immediately comes to life, opens its mouth, and lunges to chomp into my jugular.


I have waken up. Mrs Dust is sitting next to me asking why I have such a hard time getting up in the morning (I think "AAAAAH!").

As I am getting ready for work, I ask Mrs Dust whether she really killed a spider or if I dreamed that. She did. Her hero.


windarkwingod said...

I heard an alarm clock go off this morning at the bottom of the hour. I jumped out of bed and realized we don't have an alarm clock with bells, our phone wasn't ringing, and no one was at the front door.... "aaaahh!" Makes me want to start a political party.

Dash said...

Conehead boy was especially disturbing!!

Thanks for being brave enough to post about your creepy dreams. You've given me strength to post my own to the DD blog.