Thursday, May 19, 2005

better late than never

Last night was the last night for the marriage class I have been attending at my church. When I got there one or two people were in the room but left for a while and I was left in the classroom with B (whose wife teaches the class). Being that this was not the first time that almost no one was in the room at the time class started, we got into a discussion about how time oriented cultures can be and the differences between operating on a schedule and operating as events occur (CHRONOS and KAIROS in the Greek).

I couldn't help but think about the fact that younger generations seem to have a different view of schedules than the older generations. When I walk into my young adult Sunday School class two or three minutes late, I notice that the older adult classes are filled, but most of the people who go to my class are not there yet.

I am wondering why it is that a generation of people who live and die by the clock is being replaced by people who forget to look at their clock (myself included on occassion). Is this good? Is this bad? I guess it allows the early introverts a moment's peace before the lesson.


GoldenSunrise said...

I am part of the dying breed of people that like to arrive early for church/work/school/etc. I have been tainted by Mr. Dust and peers that show up on time/or late. I am getting more and more comfortable at arriving late for church because that seems to be part of the culture now.

T said...

You took the words right out of my mouth Golden...except I would insert Mr. T over Dust!

In fact on Sunday pm (when you guys showed up on time)I said to Mr. T, I'm so glad that they are "timely" people! I had to explain to him that I noticed you are usually right on time or early. I guess I recognize the extinction of our "breed" and feel a kindred spirit!?