Friday, May 06, 2005

early arrivals

Mrs Dust and I have a tendency to go early to movies. Especially on Friday or Saturday nights, we like to be among the first in the theater so that we get good seats. This is also a good opportunity to observe people as they enter the theater.

When I was making plans to go see The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy last night with the guys, it didn't cross my mind that maybe I should wait until about twenty minutes before the movie to show up. The movie started at 9:20 PM. I showed at 8:35. What follows is my life during that time.

The times have been changed to protect the innocent, and because I can't remember exactly to the minute when everything happened.

8:35 - Arrive at the theater. Consider purchasing ticket for movie, but I figure I'll look like a nerd purchasing an H2G2 ticket alone.
8:37 - Attempt to call Mrs Dust to discuss Survivor. No answer.
8:39 - Attempt to call Dash to find out how far away he is. No answer.
8:41 - Consider calling Achtung, but come to the conclusion that he doen't like showing early for movies anyway.
8:42 - Attempt to call my sister to see how things are going. Her roommate says she isn't there.
8:44 - Start to clean numbers out of my phone that are either no longer used or of people that there is no chance that I will ever need to call.
8:48 - Watch the guy changing the movie listings in front of the theater.
8:52 - Attempt to call Mrs Dust again. No answer.
8:55 - Attempt to call Dash again. No answer.
9:00 - See Dash getting out of car across the parking lot. Try calling his phone. No answer.
9:01 - I intercept Dash and we buy our tickets.
9:03 - Dash and I go inside to get out of the cold.
9:09 - I realize that Achtung has tried calling me, go outside and find him.
9:12 - Dar shows, and he is not wearing cadmium yellow.
9:14 - Doc shows at a great surprise to the rest of us because we all thought he was in Wisconsin.
9:16 - Dash convinces us to go to the theater to get seats.
9:18 - Dash goes to get seats. Dar and myself both realize we need to use the bathroom. Doc buys his ticket. Forrest arrives.

See what you miss when you don't show up early.


Dash said...

It's very important to me that I sit in the "perfect" theatre seat.

Having already picked the row at aproimately the vertical midpoint of the screen; some of the other movie goers looked at me funny last night when I was counting the number of seats in the row to determine the exact center.

Sadly there were 18 seats which posed another problem .. do I sit just left of center - or just right. I chose the right side.

If I chose poorly, then Dar got the good seat.

Achtung BB said...

I thought I was pretty early. I wanted to be sure that it didn't sell out. Looks like it was close.

windarkwingod said...

I like sitting in a good seat waiting for the previews to start. Its amazing how many people I know (no one who has access to this blog) who like to treat time carelessly, drifting into a movie with a bucket of popcorn, looking for seats in the dark like they're big-eyed cave-fish or something. Odd thing is, I've never been late to a speaking service at another church, but stroll in consistently late at O.P. 1st A/G. The previews are getting better there now that the flat-screen is in the lobby.

f o r r e s t said...

I knew you guys would take care of business. I was planning on being there at 9, but getting my son to bed took longer than usual.

shakedust said...

Forrest, just having fun with you. :)