Tuesday, May 10, 2005

the family that washes their ears together...

... stays together.

Mrs Dust has been commenting that her ears just didn't feel right so could we try to wash them out soon? We came to the conclusion that last night was soon.

The procedure was to put some liquid in the ear, let it set for 10-15 minutes, then flush constantly for the next 15 minutes with an "ear syringe bulb," hereafter known as the blue squirty thing. I figured it would be a breeze, but it is hard pointing the blue squirty thing perfectly in the ear canal while squeezing it at a constant rate with backwash water running down your arm. More than once I was told that I was not pointing the blue squirty thing in the right place.

By the time Mrs Dust's ears were fully cleaned we were both covered in water as was the bathroom. She noted that the instructions recommend doing this four days in a row. Like that's happening. At least if Mrs Dust's ears are still clogged she may not send me to investigate bumps in the night as much. Or maybe not.

Your ears cannot be washed by me
Nor can my bathroom bear this splashing
Need is a burden which cannot be revealed
Therefore I will remain silent with my blue squirty
Whenever you are before me with yours
My ears fill with tears that are unable to flow like a squirty blue ocean
That stands still at the sight of my lost ear wax passing by


Jadee said...

Just think of this task as OJT for future little ears!

roamingwriter said...

We too own a squirty blue thingee. And you too, like my husband Dar, are quite the poet.

windarkwingod said...

Maybe we could start a "chicken soup for the poetical husband's soul..."

GoldenSunrise said...

did anyone notice that Dust plagerized Dar's poem. He was blatant on some lines that were exactly the same. See Dar's cadmium yellow poem and compare to the blue squirty poem.