Saturday, January 05, 2008

holiday recap

It feels like forever since I last posted something. A part of me wants to believe that someone else besides me has felt some withdrawal from my lack of posts over the last two weeks.

I will restart my normal posting schedule on Monday. Until then, here is a recap of the last two weeks.
  • Golden and I visited her family and my family for Christmas. As I noted, NJ did well in the car. He got very fussy and stayed that way when we entered Missouri near St. Louis, though, so it did not end as well as it started.
  • I did do well in Christmas presents, but I am always leery to go into too much detail about presents because I will probably not evenly express appreciation for my gifts.
  • NJ got a lot of gifts, so now we are starting to run out of places to put his toys.
  • We celebrated the new year with my parents, which was kind of funny because neither of them stayed up until midnight. Golden made it with the assistance of a short nap beforehand.
  • I shipped my laptop in to get it fixed at the end of the trip, so that is the real withdrawal I am experiencing right now. I have rediscovered books and magazines in the last week.
  • Maybe the thing that I am most happy about is that we missed a lot of the bad weather that Kansas City got while we were gone. Seeing news reports of the Kansas City airport from Pittsburgh made me happy I wasn't in the area.
  • We visited Dash and T on the way through Indiana. It was nice getting to see them and to get the grand tour of their house. I also always like the opportunity to play board and card games.
  • I will be trying to fit a small renovation project into the schedule before classes start again. This could get interesting, since it is not my forte.
To reiterate, remember to start checking the site again beginning on Monday, as I will be getting back to the old schedule.


T said...

Yay, you're back! :) We had a great time with you guys and appreciated the company! It was so nice to see and spend time with good friends.

T said...

Btw, I really like Panoramio--awesome pics!

Dash said...

It was great to have you all over for new years. I'm not sure how grand the tour was - but it gave me a chance to tell you about (again) about my between-jobs beta testing.

Even when I go months between seeing people, I still tell the same stories over and over. Dear Lord how bad will it get when I'm senile!?!?!?

shakedust said...

The great thing about being senile is that you get to tell the same stories over and over and not feel bad about it. :)

Portland wawa said...

Sounds like an interesting holiday. I find it hard to believe you drive NJ that far and you survive!