Saturday, January 19, 2008

a pen for my thoughts

Over the last couple of weeks I have needed to grab a pen around the house to write something down several times. In our house this is a bad thing because the working to non-working pen ratio is not very good.

I can be guaranteed that if I am looking for a pen I will find about eight pencils, three markers, and three or four pens that turn out to have no ink. This last part is my fault because rather than throw away the inkless pens, I put them back where I found them. It is still irritating because I get my hopes up that I have finally found the implement that I need.

The reason that I do not throw out dead pens is that I am not always convinced that the pen is completely dead. For some reason I rationalize that it is worth keeping the pen around in case there is still some residual ink left in the pen. Plus fifty-cent pens are hard to replace.

I think that in the near future one of the things I want to do around the house is round up all of the pens, test them, then replace the ones that are all used up. Of course, that would take effort, and I am sure I will rationalize that this plan requires a lot of work to simply make sure I always have a pen handy.


Achtung BB said...

We have that ratio in our house too. I sometimes bend and twist the pens to get more ink out of them. I should just throw them out.

GoldenSunrise said...

I will try to also be proactive in throwing away pens.

T said...

We're low on pens...thanks for the reminder!