Monday, January 21, 2008

nothing but the truth

I have been told in the past that I am very calculated in my responses. I prefer the word, "thoughtful," but I will not disagree. At least part of the reason for this was illustrated to me yesterday.

I was talking to someone in the hallway at church yesterday morning when the service started. About five minutes into the song service I told the person I with whom I was speaking that I needed to get to the service since I was supposed to usher that morning.

Later, I found that someone had miscounted the ushers so there were too many of us. As a result of this I did not usher. This is great except that I am concerned the person I told that I was going to take offering thinks I fibbed to break off the conversation.

There are a lot of reasons why I usually pause to think before I talk, and that I choose my words carefully. One of the big reasons, though, is that I do not like the idea of passing on bad information or other people thinking that I lied. I figure that I am always one mischosen word away from saying something wrong. That's no lie.


GoldenSunrise said...

Hopefully, most people would assume that something happened that resulted in you not ushering. And most people would assume that it wasn't a lie.

Portland wawa said...

I think they will give you the benefit of the doubt, taking your previous encounters with them into account.