Monday, January 14, 2008


On the way home from church yesterday I was behind someone who did not notice that the light at the intersection was green. I waited about five seconds then honked. As we moved forward Golden commented in a surprised tone, "You honked!"

In these ten years since Golden and I started dating I have probably intentionally honked the horn in my car a total of three or four times. Until yesterday I had never honked the horn with Golden in the car. Not ever.

There are a few reasons that I don't use my horn much. One big reason is that my impulse reactions to a dangerous or annoying situation do not include horn honking. Had I honked the horn a lot more when I started driving I may have become more comfortable using the horn now than I currently am.

Another reason that I do not use the horn is that, since most car horns sound very harsh, I feel like I should only use the horn when the situation is serious. Most of the situations that I am in when driving never seem important enough to use the horn. I might be frustrated that another driver cut me off or is driving too slow, but something in the back of my head tells me that it is petty to sound the horn for something so minor.

So if we meet on the road and you cut me off, there is a good chance that I will get frustrated. You will not hear a peep from my car, though.


Portland wawa said...

I don't like to use the horn either, because they are so loud and draw attention to your car. But when people are distracted at a light, I think everyone appreciates it when you bring them back to reality, especially the cars behind you.

Achtung BB said...

You are too nice. I use my horn all the time. Of course, I can be a jerk on the road.

GoldenSunrise said...

I am more impulsive with my horn when I am behind someone that doesn't move fast enough when the light turns green.

The old man we were behind yesterday didn't realize it was green. It was ok to WahWah bring him back to reality.

Unknown said...

The other time I'd use my horn is when a car is coming into my lane and about to clip my car or sideswipe me. I assume when people do this, they aren't aware that I'm there, and the horn solves that problem.

Anonymous said...

Coincidentally, I usually don't use my horn, but just did the other day, too. It wasn't because of someone waiting at a green light, though. A big van was to my left in a lane that was ending and was merging into me. I don't know if they didn't see me or just figured they were bigger and I would move... the weather was bad that night, though, so it ended up really freaking me out.

f o r r e s t said...

My belief is if you are at the front of a traffic stop light, it is your duty to pay attention and go when it turns green.

There is nothing more annoying than being 6 deep in the que and the first car is not moving.

T said...

We wouldn't hear a "peep" from your car, what would we hear from you?! :)

I talk to other drivers like they can hear me! "Come on--it's green...." "NICE stop." "dopey dow." --that's my favorite when someone is going WAY to slow.

shakedust said...

I am not kind in my assessments of other drivers. Let's leave it at that.