Wednesday, June 28, 2006

messing up my schedule

Golden has already pointed out that we are in a waiting game right now with the pregnancy. The doctor seemed to indicate that Golden could go into labor this week, but that it is not guaranteed.

I was pointing out to someone at work how not knowing when this will occur is kind of frustrating. He commented that I might have to learn to not be married to a schedule with kids. I think I have a better idea. I'm going to try hanging a calendar and day timer in the little one's crib when we bring him home. It's better to learn how this home is structured sooner rather than later.


T said...

LOL, sounds like a plan! :) Wish I had thought of that!

Dash said...

You'd be surprised at how many planners are available for kids at the Franklin-Covey store.

I'm going straight to outlook planning for my kids

T said...

That's not really true dash...N has a planner and C has a calender, they don't know about outlook yet...but I am sure they'd be happy to oblige if that means you are getting them their own pc's! :)

GoldenSunrise said...

Will the day timer include bedtime schedules? Try telling your son who has your sleep schedule to go to bed at a particular time. : )

f o r r e s t said...

What's outlook?

Schedule sch-medule. Take my advice when it comes to "your" time - go with the flow.

roamingwriter said...

Looks like everybody has schedule advice. I use several systems simulataneously mostly involving lists. That means I don't adhere to any one, doesn't it?!

windarkwingod said...

routine makes me feel safe.

f o r r e s t said...

Safe? -but look at your life. you are dangerous. grrr grrr!

(at least you look dangerous in your profile pic.)