Saturday, January 14, 2006

the spendthrift tightwad

This is the first post that I have typed on our new laptop. It actually probably surprises people who know me well that I am willing to spend the money on a laptop since I can be incredibly tight with my money. This behavior mostly grew out of my deep understanding growing up that once I have spent my money I no longer have that money. It is a very simple concept that people only seem to learn when they have no other choice. I am sure that had I grown up in a family that allowed me to spend more I would have problems with the concept too.

In the face of my thrifty ways, though, I am still willing to make occasional large purchases. I think this comes from the fact that I like to get something worthwhile out of the money that I have. I don't have many habits that require frequently spending money (smoking, Starbucks, etc), but I like to be able to take advantage of some of the money that I save by not having these habits.

The main reason that we bought the laptop, though, is that it will probably come in handy as I am taking classes over the next few years. If I am going to be away for a weekend, I want to still be able to work on papers and do online research. Also, Golden and I were clashing over the home PC. It was getting hard for both of us to get time to update our blogs.

This could be my last big purchase for a while, though. I hear babies are expensive.


T said...

I understand what you mean. I like tangible items vs. intangible and I will give up a smaller thing to get a bigger one. up a few extra dinners out here and there to get our laptops was well worth the purchase!

Anonymous said...

Only one thing worse than not having money....not knowing what to do with it once you get it.

Dash said...

.. of course the laptops T and I got came courtesy of our new Dell Account - so it's actually few dinners out here and there ... and there ... and there.... still it's worth it.