Wednesday, April 02, 2008

april fool's

Every year on the first day of April when I remember what day it is I kick myself for not planning an April Fool's Day prank on someone. It makes sense that I would do it. I know several people who would make good targets, and probably get back at me the next year. It fits my personality to have some fun at someone else's expense. I just can't ever remember in time to plan anything.

In my entire life, no one has ever really played an April Fool's Day prank on me and I haven't played a real prank on anyone else. I have actually started to wonder if the perhaps no one really does pull April Fool's pranks.

So, today I would like to know if you have ever pranked someone or been pranked at this time of year specifically because it was April Fool's Day. If not, have you ever contemplated a good prank?


Achtung BB said...

To me, every day is April Fools Day.

f o r r e s t said...

I always enjoy Google's/gmail's april fools prank. they had a good one this year. Did you see it? (Customize email time)

shakedust said...

Yeah, I did. I liked it, but I think the one from last year was even funnier (paper gmail).

GoldenSunrise said...

I will try to remind you next year. I am usually aware of dates.

I can't remember if it was April Fools that my co-worker Michelle put out Bertie Botts--prank jelly beans for the office.

Portland wawa said...

When I was a kid, I put a bucket of water above my sister's door to trip when opened, on April Fools Day. I got in so much trouble, I never contemplated anything ever again.

roamingwriter said...

Dar is a good April fooler - but then he's always doing something. Someone got him this week (not on April 1) they put tape over the lazer on his mouse so it appeared that his computer wasn't functioning. You could do the whole office next year and freak out the tech support people for a minute...or would that be you?