Friday, April 25, 2008

don't judge too quickly

Everyone probably remembers the commercials in the video below since they aren't from too long ago. I think the entire series is hilarious, if a little adult in its themes, but I always questioned whether the commercials actually steered any business to Ameriquest. Seriously, how many people actually remembered that the commercials were for Ameriquest?

I don't know if this is universal or if it is just me, but the commercials bring to light some of my greatest fears. I am genuinely concerned that some day that all of the obvious evidence will say that I did something wrong, even though I am actually innocent. While the commercials tell the viewers not to judge too quickly, I know this is because people actually do judge too quickly.

Let's make a deal. If you don't judge too quickly I won't either.


Achtung BB said...

I remember seeing some of those. They are all pretty good.

Portland wawa said...

I only saw the cat one, but I don't watch any regular TV. They are hilarious. They make the situations seem plausible, but the odds of any of that happening exactly that way, very low I think. I didn't remember who the commercial was for either.

T said...

Yeah, I remembered the cat one, but I didn't remember the company either.