Saturday, December 15, 2007

medicine cabinet surprise

A couple of nights ago I heard Golden give a startled shout from the bathroom. In our house that usually means that she either saw an insect or spider or that something fell onto Golden from a shelf or cabinet. Both of these are relatively common occurrences.

Because I hear this frequently, I barely react any more when Golden makes that noise. This time, though, was a little different. Golden walked out to the living room and informed me that my shaving cream can leaked in the medicine cabinet. This is not something I have ever seen happen.

On the plus side, this provided a good opportunity to reassess why we had some of the items in the medicine cabinet, and throw some stuff away. The picture speaks for itself.


T said...

WOW, that would not be fun to clean up! I'll have to keep that in mind and make sure ours is somewhere it won't get everything. EWWWWW.

Anonymous said...

Thats why I use shaving soap and a badger hair brush. Plus it lasts about a million times longer than a can of shaving cream for the same price and a much nicer shave