Thursday, November 22, 2007


This is in a similar vein to my "good grief" post, but it isn't the same.

I really am not thankful enough for my lot in life. I have never doubted that, but this has not really made me more thankful. I also always thought listing the things I am thankful for was a little hokey because most items on the list, while important, are the same for a lot of people (family, friends, health, freedom, etc). There is one thing that I have to be thankful for that most people would not think to be thankful for, and that is how everything always seems to work out for me.

Seriously, pretty much every bad situation or potentially bad situation I have ever gotten into ended well. I have procrastinated on many things from schoolwork to yard work throughout my life, but I almost always complete my tasks immediately before they absolutely need to be completed. I have been in many financially tough situations, but everything always worked out. Even my meeting Golden at the time of my life that I did was one of those things that was very fortunate to work out, because we are perfectly suited for each other.

It could be that things just work out for a lot of other people who don't even notice it. Since I notice it, though, I must be thankful.


Achtung BB said...

Very wise. I take it granted when things work out as well. They usually do.

T said...
