Wednesday, November 07, 2007

the best do-diddly jobberino

In the past couple of weeks I have recorded a few movies on the DVR to watch. Something that I always enjoy when watching a movie that has been edited for content on television is the creative way the TV version is modified to be less crude. Good edits are impossible to catch if you're not looking for them, but bad edits are a lot more entertaining.

It's always funny to hear a character go to cuss someone out then that character's voice changes for a moment when a cleaner word or phrase is substituted. If the comments don't match the character's lip movements that is even better. Some of the words and phrases I catch in these scenarios I have never heard in that sort of context, and so they show quite a bit of creativity.

I think that rewriting cuss words out of movies has got to be one of the most entertaining jobs in existence. Getting to make the choice to either replace the censored phrases with something serious or something ridiculous would be a blast. How do you get that job?


Portland wawa said...

I want that job too. It would be an entertaining way to earn a living. I am always amazed at what you blog about, dust.

GoldenSunrise said...

I thought this post was going to be about Ned Flanders on the Simpsons. (from your title) ; )

f o r r e s t said...

No kidding! What a great job.

Or how about the job of painting underwear on the naked bodyparts.

f o r r e s t said...

...just like the "taylor" that covered up bodyparts on michealangelo's work in the Sistene (sp?) Chapel.

So, really that is an old job.