Thursday, February 22, 2007

why i blog

Both T and Forrest have posted their reasonings for why they blog a long, long time ago (in a galaxy far, far away). At the time of those posts I had a vague reckoning of why I maintain this site, but I didn't have something clear enough in my head to type a post on it. I still don't, but since when has that mattered? Also, note that, for such a simple question, I certainly take a long time to answer it.

When I initially set this page up I was a little excited, but concerned about the idea of a personal blog. The problem can be best illustrated by the following deductive reasoning.

  1. For Dust to write a blog he has to write something he likes and that people can understand.
  2. To understand much of what Dust likes writing about one must understand how Dust thinks.
  3. To understand how Dust thinks Dust needs to open up.
  4. Dust is not sure how willing he is to open up.
  5. Therefore, either Dust will clam up and run out of topics he enjoys to type quickly or he will take the chance of opening up too much.
I really have two purposes with this blog.

The first and more important goal for this site is to give my readers insight into what is going on in my head. I have gone through periods in life when I didn't really say much. Sometimes I still do. When I do this, most people around me have no clue what I am thinking. This is especially a problem because almost every opinion or feeling I have seems to require a lot of explanation.

The second goal for this site is to be entertaining. I want to know that I can write original material that some people actually want to read. I also want to get better at entertaining readers. Sometimes I purposely step away from this goal, but people have to want to read what I write for them to visit.

So I blog for my benefit and for yours. Doesn't that make you feel so warm and fuzzy inside?


f o r r e s t said...

Did I post my reasonings for why I blog? Gee, I can't remember, maybe you can tell me sometime in person.

i am not sure why I blog now. To be honest I think the whole thing is pretty silly, espically the blog culture mentality - where everyone believes they have something important to say and believe that there thoughts are important and should be read. I am actually kinda embarrassed that I have a blog. As you can tell, I haven't written anything personal in a long time. My blog is dying. It is all about music and books - just me keeping track of things.

But I get bored easily. Maybe, I am just bored with it right now. I will find a new use for it to mislead people on who I really am.

I will probably change my mind a few more times on what I think of this.

f o r r e s t said...

Oh, and I hate seeing all my spelling errors.

shakedust said...

Yeah, opinions can change. You're partly responsible for all this, so you can't dis it too much. :)

I am definitely not embarrassed that I have a blog because it is one realm where if I bore people they can just leave. I think a few people in the past have left for that reason, too. :-'

The drawback is that it is difficult to be continually fresh. Eventually, most of my good (to me) ideas start to dry up.

So long as I can continue to think up new material, this is a fun way to express myself.

shakedust said...


I found your "Why blog" post here. :)

Rather than just clicking on the link, right click on it and select "Open in new window" if you want to view it. That's easier.

Achtung BB said...

Personally I really enjoy everyone's blog. For me it is a way to stay connected to everyone in Kansas City, Wisconsin, and Spain. I understand however that it is hard to think of fresh ideas. I don't think I can could come up with something fresh and entertaining everyday.

f o r r e s t said...

Oh yeah, I guess I did write that.


My hope was to stay in contact with those out of town...and it somewhat works. I just wish there was more dialogue involved.

Brian...he has done a better,if not great, job keeping us uptodate now that he is outoftown. Now if he can work on commenting more.

Doc...he has come back on the seen lately, with reports from his travels, but no dialogue or comments with him.

Neecy...good in the dialogue department.

Darwin...where the heck is that boy.

Oh, and I know I am guilty for a lot of the things I despise about blog culture...that is why I am embarassed by it.

GoldenSunrise said...

Dust, you're putting too much pressure on yourself to write fresh, entertaining stuff. That is not your responsibility. I think you view the blog as a responsibility and you shouldn't.

T said...

Obviously..if I still have readers you know that I gave up on originality!

Thanks by the way for blogging for me! :)

Doc said...

I enjoy blurking about. I enjoy getting new music recommendations. I enjoy following snapshots of life in Spain, Oregon, and KC. My own blog is basically just a photojournal for friends and myself. If there was another form factor that was just as easy to use and perhaps more private, I would probably use that. I often don't wish to share my comments or opinions with the whole world.

roamingwriter said...

Interesting everyone's take on this. I do get concerned about the personal nature of stuff I am posting for the universe to see. I mean in my mind there's just a few of you and we're just talking about stuff I did or saw or thought. But then I hear about more extended people who are finding me and...I am less personal than I might have been.