Thursday, February 08, 2007

infantile technophile

I've always been drawn to electronic gadgets. When I visualize a perfect world that blissful nirvana contains a lot of electronics. I know that am not the only one who feels this way. It always felt innate, but I didn't realize how innate it really was.

Ever since NJ has been able to recognize objects he has been drawn to anything electronic. He goes for the remote, the keyboards on the family PC and the laptop, the phone, and most anything else. I have two theories on this.

My first theory is that NJ sees everyone using the electronics and wants to imitate them. I suspect this largely because he goes after the things that he sees us use. He tries to grab the remote that we use the most over any other remote. He tries to reach for the keyboard rather than the monitor on the computers. He reaches for the phone when we are using it.

My second theory is that NJ is simply drawn to the gadgets because they look enticing. I suspect this largely due to my own preferences.

It's probably both of the above rather than one or the other. Whatever it is, one thing is certain. Golden is going to have to deal with two men drooling over the latest cool electronics for many years to come.


gigi said...

Isn't it so cool to see your little one quickly discovering everything the world has around them?

roamingwriter said...

Gadgets and electronics. Fun for boys. I just want them to work for me without having to think about it.

T said...

NJ does love electronics! I was always into gadgets as a kid and now as an adult, but my siblings couldn't care less then or now! Maybe there really is a personality thing for gadgets verses no gadgets!?

GoldenSunrise said...

It is neat watching him explore the house. He is going to want the expensive electronic toys!

shakedust said...

Two words I think NJ will get tired of hearing throughout his life: "delayed gratification."