Saturday, February 10, 2007

weekend chores

The last few months it has seemed that I have had a lot on the schedule every weekend. Unfortunately, the more stuff I have to do around the house, the less I get done. This can create a vicious cycle that only goes away when things I ignore start dropping off the "to do" list. I think this is because I have a hard time tracking everything I need to do, but it is also due to my general rule of laziness. This general rule goes something like the following.

Dust's level of ambition is inversely proportional to the number of different jobs he has to do.

As a result, I am more likely to accomplish a big task if that is all I have to do than a bunch of little tasks.

Under normal circumstances this is not a big deal, but I do need to do a few things to enhance the safety around the house for NJ. That should take priority, but I may still need Golden to remind me. She may need to motivate me as well.


T said...

I find that the more that we have to do on Saturday's "to do list" the later we sleep in! :)

GoldenSunrise said...

Thanks for completing some things on the "honey-do" list. : )

roamingwriter said...

How does Golden motivate you and still not end up in trouble with you???

shakedust said...

Can people be in trouble with me? I guess I never thought about it that way. :)