Saturday, February 03, 2007


There are two things that I can do today. First, I can get the oil changed on Golden's car, since that is about two weeks past due. Second, I can do my taxes.

Getting the oil changed on the car is always a little bit of a degrading experience. Basically, I am telling the person at the desk that rather than do a simple maintenance job on my car myself I am going to pay someone else to do it. Granted, I have good reasons to go somewhere else to change the oil.
  • I don't like being out in the cold.
  • There is a good chance I would do something stupid like crossthread the screw at the bottom of the oil pan or drain the transmission fluid.
  • Changing the oil is something like twenty dollars.
There are a few things I don't like about having someone else do it, though. For one, the wait. We have been going to Wal-Mart, but I am thinking we may stop doing this because the last time the wait was over five hours. Also, I have run into a number of people behind the desk at Wal-Mart who acted like the people who have their oil changed there are somehow mentally challenged or lazy.

If I do my taxes today I expect to find a refund. Golden's car can wait another week.


Unknown said...

I changed the oil in my car once. Then I decided the $5-10 it cost to pay someone else to do it (after removing the cost of oil) was well worth it. And that's at room temps. Why in Heaven would anyone do their own outside in 20 degree weather?

On the other hand, paying a dealership $150 to drain my differentials when it's easier than an oil change and costs $10 to do yourself is also a no brainer.

T said...

Yeah, I would go for the refund and then treat yourself to the 1/2 hour to an hour oil change at a different place! :)