Monday, August 14, 2006

what a personality

Forrest asked me a couple days ago about two recent posts: Ambivalent and Beliefs. The questioning had something to do with what caused me to take such a gaurded approach in life. That's an interesting question because I don't completely know and because I am very intrigued in what forms people's personalities.

What is amazing to me is that seemingly insignificant stuff can greatly influence a person's approach to life. A key disappointment, an influential friend, or a lost loved one, or a TV show can impact the outlook, humor, belief system, and general being of a person for the rest of his or her life.

Since I can see that simple things like that have had such an impact on me throughout life I am a little concerned about how those sorts of things will impact NJ or any siblings he may have in the future. This is not something I can control very easily. If I succeed in not screwing him up too bad, how can I keep something else from doing the job for me?

I can be assured of one thing. I'll be watching for those potentially pivotal experiences as well as I can. Perhaps by being there I can help him be as well-adjusted as a kid can hope to be. Or perhaps that'll screw him up more.

As an addendum, Forrest asked whether my cautious personality was due to being burned at some point in my childhood when I was not cautious enough. I think this is probably true. Burn me once shame on you. Burn me twice isn't going to happen.


GoldenSunrise said...

All we can do is our best. Don't put the responsibility of keeping NJ not messed up on your shoulders. Leave that burden to God.

T said...

I concur with Golden. :) She has a good way with words!

roamingwriter said...

Life happens, planned for or not. I have some majorly cautious aspects in my personality too. I think I prefer to do fire prevention myself as much as possible too.

f o r r e s t said...

Maybe you put too much thought in to it. I don't know! When things are a natural progression, I tend not to give it much thought. Maybe it is there subconsiously and I thought through the whole scenario in a nana-second or maybe that is what I call trusting my intuition. It doesnt seem to be too difficult and it doesn't worry me.

Stop thinking, just know, let it be, and learn.