Sunday, August 27, 2006


Two things that seem unrelated for the first time seemed related to me this week. Once again, I drafted for two fantasy football leagues today. I also started classes again at KU, including an accounting class that is focused on public corporation valuations. That is a complicated way to say, "deciding whether investing in a company is a good idea."

Part of why I enjoy fantasy football is because I have a philosophy of finding things that are more valuable than other people think are valuable. So, when I am in the draft I avoid most of the hyped players, and pick up more unheralded players with the same value, only I don't pay as much for the unheralded players. Likewise, I enjoy following stocks (I don't buy much), and reading people explain why they pick specific stocks. Buying into flashy company can be exciting, but investors who aren't looking for "sexy" stocks will make more money by buying value.

I was explaining this to Golden today, and she pointed out that that is how she picked her significant other. I mockingly took offense at the fact that she didn't consider me a sexy pick, but I appreciated the sentiment.

I think this is how we both approach most areas of our lives, though. If we were to go after what (or who) is popular now, we would give up a lot of value in the long run. I'd rather have value than flare, and I'd rather be deep than sexy any day of the year.


T said...

So less is more, more or less? :)

roamingwriter said...

I think I tend to avoid the flashy too. Substance is definitely important to me and I love good value, if I can have both, that's great.