Saturday, August 05, 2006

i have nothing

Every week I go to Blockbuster to use the free rental coupon that I get with online. I figure that the coupons are half the value we get out of the online subscription because we can choose to rent something on the spur of the moment. I have made the following observations in my experiences in the store.

  • New releases are only roughly in alphabetical order. That makes attempting to find a more obscure title all the more frustrating because I have to search through the majority of the new releases to find the title.
  • I don't know why some people don't get the online service. When I see someone with $18 worth of movies for one weekend it doesn't make much sense to me. We were encouraged onto the online service when Blockbuster started charging almost five dollars per rental.
  • The same people ask me whether I want to sign up for online service every month or two. They don't seem to remember that I told them I already had the service last month.
  • It may be a little nitpicky, but it annoys me that on most movie covers the actors' and actresses' names are placed over someone else's picture.
  • I always feel weird looking through the older movies to rent. It's like some part of me thinks it is only normal to rent new releases.
  • There is no such thing as a good parking lot next to a Blockbuster. The parking spaces and the driving lanes are big enough for a Yaris, maybe, but not much else.
Yesterday, I picked out the movie Nothing for myself. The idea of the movie is that two guys can wish things out of existence by hating them, and they are left with only their house in a vast nothingness before they realize the power they have. It was very creative, and usually entertaining, but sometimes silly rather than funny.

As I was going through the checkout, the guy behind the counter handed me the movie and started to say, "I have Nothing..." then he stopped. After a short pause he started again with a wry smile, "I have Nothing for you." That made the movie worth getting.


roamingwriter said...

Another pet peeve I have at blockbuster is that they tend to put their own stickers over some of the words on the box that I want to read.

I always wante to look in the old releases too, but there is a subtle pressure somehow to only do new releases, where does that come from???

f o r r e s t said...

Dust, I made an observation that you like to make observations.