Thursday, July 13, 2006

cold coffee

I have always liked coffee. I think that is because I was exposed to it as a kid by my dad and grandfather. I quickly became a kind of connoisseur of the coffee I liked. I say "kind of" because my tastes are much different from most people who call themselves coffee connoisseurs. I like regular Folgers and don't care for the stronger coffees that places like Starbucks tend to serve. In my experience, most people who claim to know anything about coffee frown on Folgers.

Like all coffee snobs one thing that I don't like is overheated coffee. Once it has been heated too long coffee tastes a bit too bitter. I used to think this taste caused my aversion to overly hot coffee. I have since determined that I simply like cold coffee more.

Just about every time I mention to someone else that I like cold coffee, I am informed that this sounds gross. Considering that coffee ice cream, frappuccinos, and some flavored drinks use a cold coffee flavor, though, I think I am not alone in my love for cold coffee.

I have been thinking lately about the fact that I like cold coffee, and it occurred to me that maybe I should prepare some for myself. So, I purchased two plastic containers and have been keeping chilled coffee in the refrigerator for the past couple of weeks. It is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Bean there. Doing that.


T said...

Dash likes coffee flavored icecreams (Yuk)

My dad has drank nothing but foldgers since before I was alive. Black. (Yuk)

I'll stick to my diet coke and vanilla icecream! :)

Glad you found something that is working out so well for you. That's cool. I like to keep my diet coke in the fridge too! :) :)

roamingwriter said...

Dar has been doing the fridge coffee especially since it's been so hot. Then in the morning he doctors it up with milk and can drink his coffee/caffeine without sweating. I usually stay with hot tea, year round, until now. Without the AC, I"m finding cold tea very, very pleasant. I'm even fixing pitchers of it for the fridge. I don't usually think ahead that far and then I'm dumping hot tea over loads of ice.

f o r r e s t said...

I see coffee in one bottle. Is breast milk in the other. Don't get mixed up.

Dust is finally back in action in the blog world and now going strong. Keep it up!

MMMH! Cold coffee. actually, it was because of cold coffee drinks in the mid-ninties that won me over to coffee and I have slowly started drinking.

BTW, coffee flavored ice cream is the best. Mocha chip - anyone? I see your hand, Darwin.

windarkwingod said...

me too brother. I make three mornings worth at night and put it on the fridge. I drink it for breakfast with cold, boxed leche... BTW I cannot tell the difference between the cheap stuff and the "good stuff" after brewing. Starbuck's here is just an expensive candybar in an expensive plastic cup...

windarkwingod said...

Just noticed your robot coffee butt below your post... nice...

Dash said...

Starbucks Java Chip gets me so wired I jitter like Beavis watching a Metallica video.

I bought a Coke Blak at the grocery store last night for my moring drive. It tasted (not suprisingly) like a coke with coffee flavor added in. Unless you took a really big swig, the coffee taste only settles in after the coke has made it's way down.

f o r r e s t said...

Yeah I like it, coke black. When you're in the mood.

cool-the robot coffe butt.

Doc said...

I make a great mocha frappe using a vitamix blender. However, no beverage surpasses my sister's espresso punch.