Monday, April 24, 2006


My mind plays tricks on me in many different ways, but perhaps the most frustrating is that it does not allow me to quickly recall names. Sometimes it doesn't allow me to recall names at all. I am not just talking about people I have met only once. I am talking about people I have known for years. This combined with my inability to remember scheduled events can put me in sensitive situations. The conversation below used to be pretty common.

Person whose name I can't recall: Hi, Dust. How are you?
Me: Fine... you. Um, how are you doing?
Person whose name I can't recall: Great.
Me: So, how is that thing you were going to do?
Person whose name I can't recall: Thing? Are you being sarcastic? I am getting married today. That is why I am wearing a tux.
Me: (Noticing the tux for the first time) Of course I am being sarcastic. HA, HA, HA! Maybe we should continue this conversation through email. What's your address?
Person whose name I can't recall: My first name at my last name dot com.

I used to get into conversations like that. Now I just ignore people. It works pretty well, too, like in the following example.

Person whose name I can't recall: Hi, Dust. How are you?
Person whose name I can't recall: Fine. Be that way, jerk.

Actually, my real defense mechanism that I have formed is to not use people's names in short conversations unless it is necessary so I don't set myself up for the awkward pause when I inevitably forget someone's name.

As another side effect of my condition I have the hardest time remembering actor and actress names for quiz games. For example, I have a hard time remembering Christopher Walken's name, but I can remember that he has similar features to Jon Voight. When referencing Christopher Walken, I typically call him "that guy that kind of looks like Jon Voight." Don't ask how I can remember Jon Voight's name better than Christopher Walken's, but I can. Apparently few others see the resemblance because that tactic has yet to work.

So, when you call me by name, don't be surprised if I don't respond in kind. If it offends you, then be that way, jerk.

[Addendum: 4/25/06]

I am providing links for Mr. Walken and Mr. Voight below, because the links I added in the comments open within the small window.


T said...

yeah, you need to think of someone else, he's not like John Voight! :) Interesting. I don't know if I've ever heard you say my name! Does this mean you don't know my name? HUM????:) :) :)

Now, I'll be paying closer attention to our conversations! Okay, so I don't really care, but it will be fun to tease you about it, especially when we say things like, "What did NJ do this week?" and you reply with "Who's NJ? Oh, you mean that 3rd person in my house?!" :) :) :) Or when you want him to come to you....will you just call him 1 and the next one 2 and so forth!?

roamingwriter said...

Who's John Voight? : ) I can't keep movie stars straight or their names within reach of my brain. I can usually name a movie they've been in but that only goes so far.

The names thing I worked really hard during itineration trying to get names. Schmoozin. I always tried to repeat the persons name when I met them and write it down when we got to the car. Now...I want to repeat the names I really do, but was that Marianalize? Marie-Jose? Arliana? The names are lost to me the moment they leave people's lips. No Michelle's and Amys.

Jadee said...

LOL, Dust! I think you are having sympathy pains for Golden's pregnancy!! It is a real thing! My ex-husband even got sick a few times, without knowing why he was FUNNY! But the memory loss is a main component of pregnancy symptoms....

GoldenSunrise said...

I know why you remember Jon Voight---the Seinfeld episode about George buying Jon Voight's car. For you to remember a name, it needs to be in a sitcom. : )

I think the reason you get the two guys confused is that they both don't smile very often and have a serious look on their face.

T said...

yeah and they play creepy older guy parts!

shakedust said...

I think they look like they were separated at birth.

Jon Voight

Christopher Walken

roamingwriter said...

I see a resemblance too.

Jadee said...

Oh how WEIRD!

I have never noticed that before....but I think I tend to group them with John Malkovich....the creepy kind of characters that I don't care!

f o r r e s t said...

I thought I already left a comment.

I hope your problem becomes better.

Nobody mention the Voight is angelina's dad.

Dash said...

I never would have thought of them looking even remotely similar.

Anonymous said...

Here's a tip, when looking at the two, just think of the one who some warped Georgia backwoods hillbilly would say "sure has a pretty face" and that is Voight. I just don't see Walken getting himself in that kind of situation.

f o r r e s t said...

I'm glad Dash brought it up, because the two look nothing alike. But I have seen them both in may stages of their career.