Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Last Friday Golden and I were in the middle of one of our Blockbuster online movies when we started to get some skipping on the disc. By now I know that this sometimes means there is a smudge on the disc rather than a scratch so I pulled it out and inspected it a little closer. At this point I knew we wouldn't be finishing the movie that night because the disc literally had a dent in it where someone had obviously set something on top of the disc. As frustrating as this is, it's a fact of life and we can live with it every once in a while. We submitted the notification to Blockbuster that we had a damaged or unplayable disc, requested the same movie back, and sent the movie in.

Fast forward to yesterday. Golden checked the mail and realized that we had two movies in the mail from Blockbuster, one of which was the one we had tried to watch last weekend. Upon further inspection, though, we found that Blockbuster sent us the EXACT SAME DISC that we had mailed back last weekend. Up to this point I have been very careful about notifying Blockbuster when a disc is damaged because I thought they would automatically remove it from circulation (because it doesn't make sense to send a damaged disc to a customer and get the customer unhappy with your service), but now I am not so sure.

I submitted a request to Blockbuster online asking how I can avoid these issues in the future. The response I got back was to put a note in the mailer when I send the disc back that states that the disc is damaged. I am still very happy with the overall service that Blockbuster provides and I will be sending notes about future damaged discs, but there has got to be a better way.

If I get the same disc in the mail a third time after doing this my opinions of the service may change a bit.


T said...

Yet another reminder (no more then we watch movies) that pay perview is the way to go! :) If we watched a lot of movies, I'd disagree with that, but we don't.

When we cancelled our service they charged us for another month or two before they finally got us cancelled. They kept telling us to go ahead and put more movies in our QUE we had the service for another month. It worked out in the end.

shakedust said...


Who needs Brokeback Mountain when you have Brokeback Yard?

GoldenSunrise said...

The damaged movie was "The Graduate." Maybe we are not supposed to watch it. : )

Anonymous said...

Maybe Mrs. Robinson works for Blockbuster and has a thing for you.

Dash said...

coo coo ka choo